Search results for "qplatinum"


Mac OS 9 Tangerine Melt

GTK3/4 Themes by zinjanthr0pus
Pretty similar to the Poppy theme, this is an adaptation of drgordbord's theme which is in itself adapted from the Azurra Platinum theme. The colors are based on the Tangerine Melt theme in OS9. I was, once again, too afraid to edit the GTK2 theme, so that's still drgordbord's Tangerine theme.
macos platinum qplatinum retro linux unix theme gnome
Mar 31 2024

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 10

XFCE Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
A screenshot from my laptop showcasing the Tangerine Melt GTK 3 theme and Noia Warm Icons running under XFCE
platinum qplatinum noia retro xfce4 linux unix screenshot xfce
Mar 31 2024

Mac9Kvantum Alternate color-schemes

Kvantum by zinjanthr0pus
A bunch of minor edits to drgordbord's Mac9Kvantum theme. Mostly just changing the colors, but there were a few other things like floating tabs, toolbar widget and combo widget (these aren't the same as the button widget in Mac OS9. I also don't know how to make the combo widget look like the...
kvantum linux macos platinum qplatinum retro theme unix
Jul 01 2022

Platinum Golden Poppy

GTK3/4 Themes by zinjanthr0pus
This is an edited version of drgordbord's GTK3 Platinum Lime theme, which is, in turn, adapted from the Azurra Project Platinum GTK theme. CSS is basically black magic to me, so hopefully I didn't screw anything up. I was also too afraid to edit the GTK2 theme, so that one is still just Lime colors.
gnome linux macos platinum qplatinum retro theme unix
Jun 29 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 5

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
Showcasing drgordbord's Platinum Lime Kvantum theme (with some edits), along with rhodium, and some other junk
kde lime linux plasma platinum qplatinum screenshot unix
Jun 03 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 1

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
QPlatinum, New Earthtones, Punktate Smaragd, Solaris dolphins, Gruvbox (Emacs), Global menu
earthtones kde linux plasma qplatinum screenshot unix warm
Apr 07 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 8

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
Same as last time, but this time it's the "Tangerine Melt" theme. Also, I figured out how to get floating tabs working. Basically you need to have a normal widget, not just a toggled widget. I actually did this before, but I must have misnamed the normal widget or something. This screenshot...
kde linux pistachio plasma platinum qplatinum retro screenshot unix
Jun 23 2022


Plasma Window Decorations by zinjanthr0pus
I wanted to try doing a slightly more faithful platinum-like aurorae theme than what we currently have, and this is what I came up with. Unfortunately, aurorae (or any other KWin theme engine, for that matter) doesn't support having a separate title rect, so it's pretty lacking. It would mostly...
kde linux macos oldschool plasma platinum qplatinum theme unix
Jun 03 2022

Colors Platinum

GTK3/4 Themes by drgordbord
This theme is an extension of the platinum 9 theme and is designed to show off the full array of OS9 colors and In order to get the top and bottom panels looking right make sure to download...
gnome linux macos9 nine platinum qplatinum system9 theme unix
Apr 16 2022