Search results for "developer-tools"


Copy path

Dolphin Service Menus by rccavalcanti
Copy full path of file or folder to clipboard. IMPORTANT: Requires "xsel". Please install it before using the service. Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install xsel Arch/Manjaro: sudo pacman -S xsel Fedora: sudo yum install xsel Translations: You can help me translate the menu entry ("Copy path") to...
addon clipboard developer-tools productivity useful utility
Oct 31 2017

Request Headers Checker

Security by angelad
Obtain information about what your server sends out into the web. Useful to see what your web site may reveal about your security (or lack thereof). With this ultra light script (4.6 kb!), you'll see: - Server response headers (200 / 403 / 301, etc) - SSL registrant information &...
apache app developer-tools headers security software systeminfo
Apr 27 2019

Gitenc - Encrypt Sensitive Files with Git Using GPG

Developers Apps by angelad
Gitenc is a simple shell script that works as a placeholder for git add and will parse filenames for sensitive names from git status and apply GPG encryption as needed (filenames matching config, connection or sqlbackup) while handing everything off to git. It essentially automates long shell...
app developer-tools encryption git privacy security software
Jan 27 2019


Developers Apps by angelad
Automate Apache virtual host creation on Linux in your local LAMP development environment via command-line. Simplifies local development on Linux desktop. Devdom is a beta release. The "beta" state is what I originally sought to solve while writing it: - Utilize a concise CLI...
apache app debian developer-tools software ubuntu virtualhost
May 28 2018