Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
The slideshow is the kdenlive port of the Architecture Slideshow by FXBox available at Motion Array (https://motionarray.com/motion-graphics-templates/architecture-slideshow-1117047/). I would not have the creativity to come up with something like this. Great job! I like your other stuff,...

Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
Animated Intro Title Template inspired by a 3sat documentary (I don't take credit for the design and animation but for the kdenlive port).This title animation requires nine tracks for itself. I recommend to load the project file, adjust to your needs and then save it as a library file (select...

Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This kdenlive project file creates a three line title with the main title dropping in from behind the camera
![Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 4 Videos Push Left](https://images.pling.com/img/00/00/69/30/53/2012221/msf-4-7-push-left.gif)
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for four videos. Three are pushed out to the left by the fourth one that stays at the end.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are...
![Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 4 Videos Pop Up](https://images.pling.com/img/00/00/69/30/53/2012212/msf-4-1-pop-up.gif)
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for four videos. They all pop up in sequence and occupy different areas on the screen.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are...
![Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 4 Videos Slide In](https://images.pling.com/img/00/00/69/30/53/2012213/msf-4-2-slide-in.gif)
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for four videos. They slide in sequentially into differently sized areas on the screen.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are...
![Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 4 Videos Pop Up Vertical Stack](https://images.pling.com/img/00/00/69/30/53/2012215/msf-4-3-horizontal-pop-up.gif)
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Template is for four videos. They show up in sequence in a vertical stack.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are used. Templates with circles DO...
![Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 3 videos slide in triangle mosaic](https://images.pling.com/img/00/00/69/30/53/2012207/msf-3-3-slide-in-mosaic-triangle.gif)
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for 3 videos. One slides in from the top in a triangle shape, the other two fade in left and right.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different...

Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
Title InverterThis effect and composite combination allows to invert the video in places where there is a text.You need three video tracks: V1 and V3 with the original clip, V2 with the Title Clip. The title clip must have a white text on a black background which is the alpha channel. This is...
Lower Thirds Minimalist Animated
Kdenlive Project Files
Hello, thanks for the tip, I already changed to the correct category.