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SLiM Display Manager
SLiM Display Manager is a simple login manager which, because of its simplicity, makes it much faster than normal login managers that are loaded with lots of settings.
- Extract and move the themes in the following path: /usr/share/slim/themes
- edit /etc/slim.conf:
find "current_theme" and change the name of the theme that is in use to the name of the theme you want to use. for example: "current_theme ChromeOS" or "current_theme ChromeOS-Material"
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1 year ago0 Reply
Problem with Global Theme: "Vivid-Dark-Global-6"
1 day ago3 Replies
3 days ago1 Replies
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Mojave Login Screen for SLiM Display Manager
You welcome, @archman73, and thanks to you for the rating };-]

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cyberpunk Theme for SLiM