5 years ago
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New Users
Payout of February 2025
Possible to get a cosmic DE selection?
Copy as root
Krusader User Actions
Since Kubuntu 19.04 you have to modify the command in this way: kdialog --yesno "Copy %aCount("Selected")% file(s) to %oPath% ?" && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu -c...
Make softlinks on other panel
Note, Kubuntuusers must use kdesudo instead of kdesu.
KDEsvn Krusader User Actions
Thanks, XML should be placed in ~/.kde/share/apps/krusader/useraction.xml in krusader, it can be found in contextmenu > actions
Copy as root
Krusader User Actions
Since Kubuntu 19.04 you have to modify the command in this way: kdialog --yesno "Copy %aCount("Selected")% file(s) to %oPath% ?" && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu -c...