Tactics & Strategy
Explore Ancient Greece on Ellas-War. Start the development of your city by collecting various resources that will help you to construct your buildings.Venerate the gods by building temples dedicated in their honor, in gratitude they will help you in your conquest!Venerate Ares that will provide...
Android (APK)AppImageFlatpakSnapSource-CodeWindows Binary
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Tactics & Strategy
by widelands
Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety and depth to it. Still, it is easy to get started through playable tutorials.
AppImageOS-X compatibleSource-CodeWindows Binary
Available as/for:32bit - x8664bit - x86AppImageOS-X compatibleSource-CodestableWindows Binary
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Sokoban SG
Tactics & Strategy
I've been playing this version of Sokoban for more than ten years. Being 87 years old, it is a good way for me to exercise my mind. I can hop on my computer and play for awhile and the game keeps...