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GIMP2Ps - improve it - pimp the GIMP
Gimp Themes
Not only this looks Great and is super handy, but somehow it also managed to fix Gimp (2.10.38 on debian) improving the Performance considerably..
Bruh, not including a simple README? Not everyone is familiar with GIMP, also some of us used Flatpak so our paths are different. Just a couple things that would make this much easier to access...
Clearlooks Gimp 2.10 Color Hinted Themes [Updated]
Amazing theme and kind author
Sorry, I mean the opacity bar
Sorry, I mean the opacity bars
GIMP2Ps - improve it - pimp the GIMP
Gimp Themes
Not only this looks Great and is super handy, but somehow it also managed to fix Gimp (2.10.38 on debian) improving the Performance considerably..