ODF Text Templates
by Louis
German Din Brief A.It's an odt-file, so it may be easier to change it for your needs.I include a second page, if you dont need it, you know what to do:-), but it may be helpfull for your modifications.

ODF Text Templates
by tibor
Hi,this is a modified version of the german template Tabellarischer Lebenslauf, with basically empty fileds, but taking use of the textfields in OpenOffice.org 2.0. Therefore You will be asked upon opening the template to each point separately.This function I consider quite confortable, for I do...

ODF Text Templates
by rossendryv
Free label template downloads for Openoffice.org OOo Writer 1.1x and 2.0. The collection includes CD, DVD, mailing and other types of labels and sizes. Making your own labels with OOo Writer using these templates is easy and the set up time is quick.Templates are A5 size – 8.5” x 11” and will wor...

ODF Text Templates
by SeanParsons
HP has a series of really nice freely available MS Office templates intended for businesses. I particularly liked the Organica set. I made a few changes to the layout of some of the forms and saved them all in the OpenDocument Text format. The set includes:Business CardsFax FormFile Folder...

ODF Text Templates
by dadeisvenm
I won't post a screenshot for this one. Out of pure frustration from talking to developers and searching the web for a easy book template for publishing I wiz-banged this one together just to get one done. It has a (extremely) basic:Cover Page - based on doc perfsTable of Content - based on...

ODF Text Templates
by SeanParsons
These are some templates I originally made for myself awhile ago. The only update I made fromwhat I originally used is to change them from OOo 1.0 format to OOo 2.0. If anyone has any enhancements or suggestions for these templates, please let me know.
1 comment

ODF Text Templates
by tibor
This is a first Version of a cv for OpenOffice.org 2.0 (Beta). Sure, there are a few (and better implemented) types of cv in Latex (I tried to give back a bit of the europe_cv), but not anybody does like Latex.The tables are invisible. You can, of course, enter additional entries for the the...

ODF Text Templates
by rblock
This is a simple template for my business letters I use. In the screenshot you can see my prefered font Goudy Elegant (dependend from the installation its name is "Goudy Elegant" or "Goudy Elegant Book" or "Goudy-Elegant") from the Textmaker font CD.Perhaps you like it. And if you've some...

ODF Text Templates
by tibor
This is a kind of template for memos. Attention: date and time fields are NOT fixed, so thex wil change each time, you open the document, if you ever will save this kind of memo.
Business Card Template
ODF Text Templates
9 excellent