Prof Dark KDE
Yakuake Skins
by x-varlesh-x
Prof pack for Plasma Desktop.Now available:- Plasma Theme- Kvantum Theme- Aurorae Theme- Yakuake Skin- Color-SchemePLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.And use Kvantum...
1 comment

Prof Light KDE
Yakuake Skins
by x-varlesh-x
Prof pack for Plasma Desktop.Now available:- Plasma Theme- Kvantum Theme- Aurorae Theme- Yakuake Skin- Color-SchemePLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.And use Kvantum...