Yakuake Skins
by x-varlesh-x
Prof pack for Plasma Desktop.Now available:- Plasma Theme- Kvantum Theme- Aurorae Theme- Yakuake Skin- Color-SchemePLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.And use Kvantum...
1 comment

Yakuake Skins
by x-varlesh-x
Prof pack for Plasma Desktop.Now available:- Plasma Theme- Kvantum Theme- Aurorae Theme- Yakuake Skin- Color-SchemePLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.And use Kvantum...
Yakuake Qogir Dark Tabs Only Skin
Yakuake Skins
locked me out of yakuake settings, so I had to purge the program and reinstall it to access the settings again. avoid this!