If you want to do that, you will need git, Inkscape >= 1.0 (it won't work with earlier versions) and xcursorgen.
Clone the code and go to the 'assets' folder:
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/obnosim/ardoise.git ardoise
$ cd ardoise/assets
Edit the file 'custom.replace' to give it the color values you want. To change the color of the cursor body, edit the values 'bodyGradientStart' and 'bodyGradientEnd'.
Then, generate the theme (still from the 'assets' folder):
$ ./regenerate custom
This will use the values in 'custom.replace' to produce a new file in the parent folder: 'Ardoise (custom).tar.gz'. You can then extract this archive either in '~/.local/share/icons' or in '/usr/share/icons', then select it from System Settings > Cursors. - Jun 18 2020

Plasma Themes by HalfLeft 16 comments

Plasma Themes by HalfLeft 16 comments
See Marco Martin's response here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=350190
-mini prefixes are deprecated, north-, west-, east- and south- are not, but they aren't displayed properly unless all parts for that prefix are in the file. The glitch reported by sumski was caused by that little detail. If e.g. north-topleft isn't present in the theme, then north-bottomleft isn't drawn. I fixed it by simply adding dummy elements for every missing id. - Nov 28 2015
It also affects west panels.
It seems Plasma 5 doesn't draw the north-bottom element (but still allocates room for it) and ignores -mini elements altogether. The documentation for Plasma 5 mentions -mini prefixes so I don't think the feature was removed. I'll file a bug report.
In the meantime, you can replace widgets/panel-background.svg with https://www.dropbox.com/s/4bzmbnxf57mdusz/panel-background.svg?dl=1.
You'll lose the gradients but it'll work better.
Thanks for letting me know! - Jul 13 2015
I personally use a dark color scheme based on Obsidian Coast, but Velours should work fine with a light color scheme as well. The Breeze widget theme doesn't work very well with dark color schemes though, it's clear it was designed with only light colors in mind. Oxygen looks fine either way.
As for window decorations, I stick with Oxygen or Breeze as they offer the most customization options (and Oxygen allows tabbed windows).
So I guess I don't really have anything in particular to suggest. - Jul 12 2015
I think the same is true for the ownCloud client, but its monochrome icon (you can turn it on in the settings) integrates nicely already. - May 18 2015
I think you were right about the change coming from the way the elements were layered. The 87.5% multiplier was incorrectly applied twice on some cursors and at some point I fixed it. - Jan 18 2015
I could create Ardoise versions if it's a problem (see my answer to your previous comment). - Jan 17 2015
But I can make a more translucent one, no problem. Take a look at translucent.svg in the sources and tell me what % you would like. It's applied to the groups that contain the edge and the background, and it's currently set to 87.5%. - Jan 17 2015
I've been working on it a lot since the last release and I was about to release an update yesterday, but something went wrong and I lost almost everything. I'm currently trying to repair what was lost and I should be able to release it in a couple of weeks. - Oct 31 2014