Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Get the absolute latest version from github: https://github.com/lassekongo83/zuki-themes
Old versions can be found here: https://launchpad.net/zukitwo/+series
Click: Browse code > View revision > download tarball.
The included INSTALL file have all the installation instructions.
- GTK2 engine Murrine or later.
- GTK2 pixbuf engine or the gtk(2)-engines package.
Fedora/RedHat distros:
yum install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines
Ubuntu/Mint/Debian distros:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines
Search for the engines in your distribution's repository or install the engines from source.
Wall: http://mustberesult.deviantart.com/art/Almora-212657321
Icons: Faenza and http://hpluslabels.deviantart.com/art/ServianaGetPLUS-by-request-281600769
Font: Droid Sans
Since Gnome 3.14 you may have to use the default icon theme or an icon theme compatible with Gnome 3.14. There may be some issues with the theme if you for example use the Faenza icon theme or any other outdated theme that haven't been updated for Gnome 3.14.
- Some tweaks and fixes.
- Updated for Gnome 3.14.
- New shell theme for all Zuki* themes.
- GTK3: Fixed CSD fallback menu button.
- GTK3: Fixed some other bugs and made some minor improvements.
- GTK3: Fixed progressbar through.
- Assets: Better focused button border.
- GTK3: Some minor bugfixes.
- GTK3: Added support for unity client side decoration. (This package is still only for GTK 3.12 though. Ubuntu 14.04 uses GTK 3.10.)
- GTK3: Improved progressbars a bit.
- GTK3: Added the metacity buttons to the client side decorations.
- Updated to work with Gnome 3.12.
Note: Don't upgrade if you're still using an earlier version of Gnome.
You can grab earlier versions here: https://launchpad.net/zukitwo/+series
- Added an index.theme file.
- GTK3: Sidebar hover effect added in Nautilus/Nemo.
- GTK3/2: Various tweaks.
- GTK2: Thunar style added.
- GTK3: Fixed border below active tabs.
- GTK3: Better column headers. Nemo fixes. Fixed fine-tune scrollbar.
- GTK2: Removed unused assets for outdated apps.
- GTK3: A couple of fixes.
- GTK3: Updated to work with Gnome 3.10. The theme will break in earlier versions of Gnome-shell. Grab earlier versions here: https://launchpad.net/zukitwo/+series
- Shell theme removed at the moment. See the Zukitwo shell theme for now.
- GTK3: Client Side Decoration CSS added. (For wayland.)
- GTK3: Support .rubberband in .content-view plus some more fixes.
- Mutter/Metacity: Fixed left aligned buttons and removed unused assets.
- Mutter theme: Fixed a lot of stuff.
- Legacy metacity theme: New everything.
- ALL: Updated to work with Gnome 3.8. Many new changes to certain looks.
- GTK3: Gnome classic indicator applet fix.
- GTK3: Added support for slickpanel.
- Mutter: Fixed button alignment if you have your buttons on the left.
- Unity: New theme and buttons added.
- Xfwm: Theme added.
- Metacity: Minor color fix.
- First release.
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Thanks! Best theme ever, should be default in Gnome! !
It is the best theme i ever came across. Thank you
Hello! Can you update Zukiwi for GTK 3.14, please? Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much!
Hello! Is it possible to get a Zukiwi version with Zukini color scheme? There is a script to modify assets colors https://gitorious.org/projets-divers/andrewsh-clearlooks-phenix/source/6af1ac3d1b56afa4b971adabf9abff96798b601b:doc/images.sh.txt but I don't know how to match the GTK 3 color scheme. Thank you in advance for your answer and have a nice day! :)
I like this theme, but I get some black backgrounds in some areas - dont know where to change that ... see here * https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5061150/Screenshot%20from%202014-04-21%2003%3A50%3A18.png * https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5061150/Screenshot%20from%202014-04-21%2003%3A51%3A09.png * https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5061150/Screenshot%20from%202014-04-21%2003%3A51%3A57.png you may see checkerboard for the transparent background in the screenshots above. On my screen they appear as solid black. Where is this color defined? thanks kiilo
Umm, I can't see anything wrong on those screens. O.o
Hello! There are other things: - Why is there only one color for the infobar (message, warning, question, error, other)? - When I run "Multiple Views" (Text Widgets) through gtk3-demo, the application crashes. I don't know if it's due to the theme or a GTK 3.12 bug. Thank you in advance for your answer! :)
Hello! Many thanks for this theme, the best GTK 3's one, I think. Please, is it possible to get rounded progressbars back? Thank you in advance for your answer and have a nice day! :)
Great job! Well done and thank you very much!
Out of the few up to date themes currently available for GNOME, I believe this is the best one. Don't abandon it, you did a great job.
Very nice theme! Is it possible to get an Openbox version to use it with LXDE? Thank you in advance and have a nice day! :)
I just made a Zukitwo-OB mod.
Please. Thank you in advance! :)
Thank for your great theme. Can you improve a bit for the scrollbar? More padding could be cooler, i think http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae280/jasonvoorheeszzz/scroll.png
Great work man! I've been designing a theme sorta like this actually, but you got it done! Great work like all your themes! Your a legend!
yes good work. Theme for Cinnamon its posible ??? thanks.
I like it... Can you make an xfce matching theme, please?
Good work, tanks mate. Now it's perfect...