Buuf Deuce KDE
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:All artistic credit goes to Paul Davey, aka mattahan (http://mattahan.deviantart.com). I messed around a bit to create some custom icons, but he is responsible for essentially everything. His work is absolutely amazing, click on that link!
This suite is meant for KDE. While it's tango standards-compliant, many gnome/gtk apps are missing icons. I'm also taking any and all specific requests for more icons.
To install, just download the zip file, unzip it, and install the tar file in the 'install theme' dialog in system settings > appearance > icons. You'll need the 'unzip' or 'zip' app!
I'd just make it a .tar.bz2 but deviantart won't allow that filetype and kde-look wouldn't take such a large file.
License: Mattahan has released his icons under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, a creative commons license. I am doing the same with my derivative works (of course). This means you can redistribute any ofthese icons for NONCOMMERCIAL purposes if you give credit to the artist and agree to share your own derivative works. More info is in the main dir of the decompressed tarball.
Added requested icons
Big version bump
New installation system
More icons
Completely redone for KDE 4
Many new icons
First release!
Ratings & Comments
thanks !
The best and only icon set I use in KDE. I love all things Buuf!!!
This icons are great! Thanks!
great job man. I've see that is missing icons for chromium, quassel, the kopete protocols, choqok, klipper, deluge, nvidia-settings, kbluetooth(symlink to bluetooth?), smplayer, knetworkmanager, yakuake, qt-creator/designer and gvim
These are my all time favourites...and I've searched for loads. I've now installed on my last few updates and on all my machines (one desktop, two laptops). My children have a different set (they're kids!!!) but I reckon I could convince them when they get older :)) Thanks for all you work. Brilliant.
Buuf is an excellent icon theme, one of the best out there! I just wanted to tell you that the reboot icon is the same as "change user" and "Computer", but it should look like the shutdown and logout icons. Looking forward to next release (subscribed ;) !
there are buuf emoticons for kopete ?
Arrow :) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/307584/zrzut%20ekranu1.png
+ when I hover on images folder, the icon of folder is blurred. See screenshot: http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3527/zrzutekranu6j.png
Hey, I found some few new icons to add :) Here you have screenshots: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3701/zrzutekranu5h.png http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/5006/zrzutekranu4h.png BTW. When new version will be available?
Today I found few icons that are missing :) They are: SVG EPS LOG JS RMVB Hope it will be handy for you :)
Few more icons :) I have noticed a lack of buff icons in programs menu and could you also create icon for "app installation" in opensuse? See screenshots --> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/307584/zrzut%20ekranu1.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/307584/zrzut%20ekranu2.png
Thanks for the feedback! I'll get to work this weekend. The Program icons look fine on my computer. I wonder if SUSE uses its own naming scheme/patches? Could you check for me (should be in /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/categories). Thanks!
Grab it :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/307584/zrzut%20ekranu8.png
hmm, those seem normal. Maybe it uses icons from another location or... you need to restart kde? Otherwise I don't know how to fix it!
I write a post on openSUSE forums about it. Maybe they will figure out :) I found some new icons that are missing in buff package: TrueCrypt NX Free Google Earth I will post when I will get the answer :)
+ google chrome :)
KGrubEditor and KPartitionManager need some of your love, too! ;)
Great job :D Best icon theme for KDE4 :D
look what I said about it on the KDE3 page,and stop moaning.
Great theme :D but it's still incomplete. I'm waiting for full icons theme :)
What icons would you like? I take requests!
An icon for the Arora browser would be great please. :) http://code.google.com/p/arora/
Done! Any more requests? I'm going to add a few more icons to justify the 1.0 bump.